01732 369565
Tyger's Head, Church Lane, Tonbridge, TN9 1DA


Consultation Fees
Current Fees 2021/22

Jungian Analysis

£80 per 50 minute session (‘the analytic hour’).

Double hours may sometimes be helpful and are charged at £160.

Sessions are at the same time each week. We may agree to meet once a week or twice a week on an on-going basis. In some circumstances we may agree to meet three or four times a week for a block period, and then have a break. I prefer not to work at a frequency of less than once a week.

I also offer consultations by video-link: Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime.

In cases of illness sessions via video-link or phone can be arranged.

Face-to-face sessions are available. 

A minimum of 48 hours notice is required of all cancellations. As much notice as possible is always appreciated. The full cost of a session will be charged if cancellations are made with less than 48 hours notice.