07973 265682
Tyger's Head, Church Lane, Tonbridge, TN9 1DA

Jungian Analysis

Jungian Analysis

Why might you seek Jungian Analysis ?

  • Are you feeling depressed, sad, or anxious?
  • Are you suffering from stress or phobias?
  • Are you entering a new phase of life, a period of transition?
  • Do you feel you have lost your way?
  • Do you feel empty, that your life has lost meaning?
  • Are you stuck in the same patterns of behaving?
  • Do you have relationship difficulties with your partner, family or work colleagues?
  • Are you an artist or writer who is feeling blocked?
  • Have you had a dream that you would like to explore further and understand?

Jungian analysis can help with depression, anxiety, stress, relationships, ‘stuckness’, and can alleviate symptoms of neurotic conditions.

‘The psychological trouble in neurosis, and the neurosis itself, can be formulated as an act of adaptation that has failed….a neurosis is, in a sense, an attempt at self-cure…’ (Jung, CW4 para 574).

Structurally, Jung saw neurosis as the dissociation of two personalities kept apart by powerful emotional barriers. This discord is between conscious and unconscious attitudes. ‘Neurosis is an inner cleavage…the state of being at war with oneself. What drives people to war with themselves is the suspicion or the knowledge that they consist of two persons in opposition to one another…A neurosis is a splitting of personality.’ (Jung, CW11 para 522)

We’re all neurotic to one degree or another to the extent that we can’t be who we really are.

The symptom is often a calling. Suffering which hasn’t found its meaning. What is the meaning of the symptom ? What is the necessary task to be accomplished ?   Neurotic symptoms indicate that the psyche is striving for wholeness. In analysis we focus on this positive, purposive aspect of holding the tension of the opposites, to bring forth, deo concedente, a new position and a widening of consciousness.

Not everyone seeking Jungian Analysis has specific issues.

You may come into therapy to find new direction and meaning in life, to start a journey of discovery.

Forgotten and undeveloped talents and qualities may need to find expression.

Jungian analysis is a long-term dialectical relationship between two people, analyst and analysand/therapist and client. It is directed toward an exploration of the analysand’s unconscious, through dreams, symptoms, and patterns of behaviour. This process can alleviate what might be an intolerable psychic condition which is interfering with conscious life. The goal is the analysand’s movement towards psychological wholeness, a process Jung called ‘individuation’.

In analysis we become aware of those unconscious factors influencing our behaviour. With greater awareness of these issues comes a greater sense of well-being, acceptance and personal control of our lives.

Ultimately, the analytic process helps us to experience life in a more related and authentic way. The role of the analyst is to help facilitate the individuation process, accompanying the analysand/client on his or her personal journey.

I am an Accredited Training Analyst & Instructor member of the C G Jung Institute Zürich (CGJI), and a member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). I am also a member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists (IGAP) London.