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Psyche & Soma The Sesame Approach

Psyche & Soma The Sesame Approach

The phrase ‘Open Sesame’ opens the door and reveals the treasure within. Just like the ancient story of Ali Babar, a new chapter began when the door was opened.  The Sesame Approach works with drama and movement to create a powerful catalyst that promotes healing and helps encourage change.  The use of movement, drama, touch, story enactment, improvisation, and voice, is explored in a safe and playful environment to help nurture the client.

The Sesame Approach encompasses the theories of C G Jung’s psychology of the unconscious, Rudolph Laban’s Art of Movement, Peter Slade’s work in children’s play and Marian Lindkvist’s non-verbal language of Movement-with-touch-and-sound. At its foundation, the core principle of the work is to stay with the inner symbol until its wisdom can be applied and integrated in to making new healthy life choices.

To find out more about The Sesame Approach and for futher reading please click here